I'm delighted to have spoken to Eik and so pleased that he agreed to do this interview for, a big carp angler who fishes some challenging waters in Germany and Hungary
#MF - Matthew Fleet
#EW - Eik Weis
#MF - Matthew Fleet
#EW - Eik Weis
Question 1.
#MF Can you give me and people reading this article a general background about yourself?
#EW My name is Eis Weis I was born In 1972 in Bruchsal Germany
I work as a mechanic for a big German firm
I have lived with my girlfriend since 1990 and we have a 2 year old daughter
#MF Can you give me and people reading this article a general background about yourself?
#EW My name is Eis Weis I was born In 1972 in Bruchsal Germany
I work as a mechanic for a big German firm
I have lived with my girlfriend since 1990 and we have a 2 year old daughter
Question 2.
#MF When did your passion for angling begin?
#EW In my family I have no fisherman, I began angling in 1990 my girlfriends Father was a fisherman he took me and got me started
Question 3.
#MF When did you begin to target big carp?
#EW After I finished my licence something you have to do in Germany I joined the angling club my girlfriends Father was in, their I met
Thomas Ballreich we have been good friends ever since, when I met Thomas he was already targeting big carp after previously doing English style match fishing, Thomas sold big carp fishing to me, he took me under his wing and the rest is history
Question 4.
#MF You travel far and wide in your angling what's your favourite country / venue your angling has taken you?
#EW From the very start of me targeting big carp I read everything about carp fishing I could get my hands on, in those days information was not that easy to get your hands on like it is today
also the stuff i did get hold of was in English which was not that easy for me to understand, the big names in those days were Kevin Maddocks Carp Fever, Andy Little, Rod Hutchinson, Jim Gibbinson, Kevin Nash to name a few
With all the information I managed to obtain the dream began, travelling to various country's in search of big carp, I must add I only travel to country's were night fishing is permitted a lot of venues in Germany night fishing is not allowed
here is a list of venues I have travelled to over recent years in search of big carp
1. Lac Du Der
2. Saint Cassien
3. Orient
4. La Maxe
5. Mosselle
I have recently returned from Hungary and Lake Aqua ( 2014 )
Here Is One Of My Captures.....
Question 5.
#MF When you plan a session is it always a long haul session, a week or possibly longer?
#EW Most sessions consist of at least 4 - 5 days, reason being the length of travelling time needed to reach the venues, it's more cost effective for me to go for longer than shorter
when I went to St Cassien I did a 14 day session
Here's One Of My St Cassien Captures.....
#MF When you plan a session is it always a long haul session, a week or possibly longer?
#EW Most sessions consist of at least 4 - 5 days, reason being the length of travelling time needed to reach the venues, it's more cost effective for me to go for longer than shorter
when I went to St Cassien I did a 14 day session
Here's One Of My St Cassien Captures.....
Question 6.
#MF Do you fish alone or sometimes with a friend?
#EW If someone wants to tag along? that's great!, and their very welcome but I'm not bothered with or without a friend I still go
Question 7.
#MF Bait, Is your angling boilie focused or do particles, pellets etc also play a part?
#EW I use various baits but my main bait is the boilie, pellets and Ttger nuts are a great favourite also
Below A Pellet And Tiger Nut Carp.....
Eik's Boilie Production.....
Question 8.
#MF What's your most memorable capture?
#EW My first 25lb + carp which I caught from Lac Du Der, in my opinion every carp you catch has it's own story for most carp anglers it's only the big captures that they want to talk about, I've caught plenty of carp over the years and the ones I have caught with friends are extra special to me
Question 9.
#MF Is there any where you have not targeted yet? venue / country? if so are there any future plans?
#EW I do like Italy a beautiful country and home to some very big carp, Lac De Madine I have visited this venue many times but yet to wet a line their yet, my main goal is England thanks to social media I now have a lot of English friends so my chances of visiting have now increased
Question 10.
#MF What's the best piece of advice you could give to anybody reading this article targeting big carp?
#EW Keep your spirits up I've seen so many anglers rise like the phoenix and burn like the Sun, enjoy your angling what ever size carp you catch?
A very interesting read, a big thank you goes to Eik tight lines and happy angling